WSPA Newsletter Volume 77, Issue 2.2 | September 2021
Fall is quickly upon on us and we are sending Issue 2.2 with the following six articles:
If you only read this intro with thoughts of reading the rest later you will find it and others at our newsletter and news article archive.
Northwest Psychological Fall Convention October 15-17, 2021
“Psychological Perspectives in an Era of Healing and Recovery” is the theme chosen as a nod to healing and recovery from the pandemic. Our annual Fall Convention is being rebranded as the Northwest Psychological Fall Convention with the addition of Alaska Psychological Association (AK-PA). The collaboration of both state psychological associations was a goal of our Executive Director when he became Alaska’s part time Executive Director in 2020. Last year the wheels were set in motion by including Alaska psychologist Pamela Hays, Ph.D. to present a 3CE training. AK-PA received funding to promote Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) awareness and engagement to psychologists and other mental health providers in Alaska and beyond, and WSPA’s convention committee had interest in the topic. This became a perfect opportunity for collaboration between the two associations to host the Northwest Psychological Fall Convention.
Keynote and Workshop Topics
Our keynote speaker is a dynamic presenter who developed Superhero Therapy to help patients of all ages with anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Dr. Janina Scarlet incorporates pop culture into evidence-based therapy such as CBT and ACT. She is the recipient of the Eleanor Roosevelt Human Rights Award by the United Nations Association and has been featured on many high-profile news networks and outlets. New Workshop Options
A new option of the virtual convention will be to allow WSPA and AK-PA members to attend workshops free with no CE. Should a member decide they want the CE credits afterwards, they can then pay for that workshop and complete a workshop evaluation form.
Another new option for the convention will be the addition of including online Home Study workshops from Friday and Saturday presenters who agree to let us record their training. This will allow attendees to gain additional CE Credits at no extra charge for the days they are registered for. It will also allow members to gain CE if they are not able to attend the live presentations on either of those days. We are still working out these details and will announce how this program will work. Unfortunately, we are not able to extend the home study to the 6 hour Ethics or Suicide prevention workshops on Sunday. Friday and Saturday 3CE workshops topics include:
On Sunday the schedule features:
The convention schedule will be updated as titles are confirmed and can be found at this link.
We will be using the same portal for this year’s Fall convention as we used for last year’s Fall Convention as well the Spring and Summer Conferences so feel free to review our videos on registration and using the portal to join sessions below. Registration is currently open.
How to register:
Navigating the Event Portal: Newly Licensed Psychologists (NLP) Celebration
On Friday Oct. 15th, newly licensed psychologists since October of last year are invited to attend a free welcoming celebration that will be followed by a 1 CE Ethics workshop. This is invitation only, please contact our office if you have not received an email invitation. Sponsors and Exhibitors
We are excited to have The Trust, LifeStance Health, Alaska Department of Health and Social Services Office of Substance Misuse and Addiction Prevention, East Side Psychological Associates, and Washington State Department of Labor & Industries supporting the Northwest Fall Convention, and we are looking forward to including additional sponsors and exhibitors. As with last year, we will have a virtual exhibit hall that will feature vendors – many with online offers to win a prize from them. I encourage all members (attending and not) to visit our exhibitor page when it launches in October to visit. Their support helps underwrite the cost of convention expenses such as online programming, software, and presenter honorariums and they will feel a good return on their investment with visitations and entering their offers. President's Letter
Dear WSPA Members,
I am pleased and excited to serve as President of the Washington State Psychological Association. WSPA is an incredible organization, and it is my hope that the association continues to be generative in its support of Washington State psychologists and those that we serve.
As the pandemic continues, I want to acknowledge the many levels of grief and sorrow that we have all experienced throughout this unprecedented time. Although there has been loss and pain, there has also been strength and community. As a profession we rallied together, shared our knowledge and support, and adapted to how we provide services to our clients. We reached out to other health care professionals, frontline workers, and various communities to offer our services, expertise, and care. We continue to voice our collective anger and sadness over continuing racial, gender, and social injustices and we continue to examine what we can do to facilitate positive and lasting change. We advocated for compensation for alternate means of providing services to our clients and to increase accessibility in a way to keep everyone safe, and to keep our professional services viable.
Our WSPA Board, individual committees, and committee members volunteer hours of their time to advance psychology as a field, support the needs of Washington psychologists, and ensure that folks in our state receive the mental health services they need. Our various committees gather data and provide opinions and information on legislation related to psychologists and mental health, provide ethical and legal consultations to psychologists, address difficulties with reimbursement and insurance matters, work on social justice issues, connect with and provide disaster relief programs, and strive to find opportunities for networking among psychologists at all stages of their careers.
This year there are a number of important legislative matters which WSPA membership is supporting, such as having conversations around PSYPACT to support practice across state lines, and advocating for appropriately trained psychologists to earn prescription privileges in the State of Washington.
A focus of my presidency is to consider ways to increase inclusion and representative involvement within the Board and our membership, modernize communications with both membership and the greater community, strengthen and diversity our leadership pipeline within WSPA, and grow our membership.
Another main priority is to increase the availability of mental health services for low-income or marginalized families, especially children. The COVD-19 pandemic has given rise to a pandemic mental health crisis, as the mental health needs of Washingtonians greatly outpaces the available resources.
I look forward to working with you over the next year. I invite anyone interested to please bring your knowledge, your energy, your passion, and your opinions, and join us in advocacy and engagement as part of WSPA.
Take care, and feel free to reach out.
Christen A. Carson, Ph.D., ABPP President, Washington State Psychological Association.
WSPA Legal Consultation results in recovery of backpay
Stephen Feldman, JD, Ph.D., one of WSPA’s Legal Committee, recently was reached through the WSPA website by a member who sought a consultation. The free legal consultation turned out to be very helpful. Dr. Feldman provided an interpretation of an employment contract, which indicated that there was a basis to pursue more than $6,000.00 that had been wrongfully withheld as back pay from one of our State’s healthcare companies. Because of Dr. Feldman’s intervention with the employer's attorney, all of the money was recovered. The employer’s attorney ultimately advised the employer that he was wrong in withholding the money due to the psychologist. Without the availability of the free consult, the psychologist would not have understood the facts of the contract or had the confidence to stand up to the employer and pursue it.
WSPA's Legal Committee provides 1-hour free consultation for new Basic members, and 2-hour free consultation for Premium and Platinum members. After the free consultation, members receive a discounted WSPA rate. This and other consults with the JD/Ph.D. committee are a member benefit that the WSPA offers and certainly one of the many reasons for members to encourage our colleagues to join the WSPA!
Heading Toward a Reckoning in Healthcare
Few of us found ourselves prepared for the COVID-19 pandemic. Top concerns at the national and state levels prior to 2020 included positioning behavioral health to play a large role in substance dependence treatment, expanding access to care, fear of losing the gains made with the Affordable Care Act, value-based reimbursement, reaching rural clients, the continued push for integrated care, and the role of outcome measures, just to name a few. I don’t think I’m being too dramatic to say there is nothing like the fear of death to rearrange a priority list. Now, healthcare news articles are focused on the increased financial strain of the pandemic on the current healthcare system, the importance of social connections during the pandemic, the long-term influence of virtual life during the pandemic, and the impact of the pandemic on the mental health of healthcare professionals. We are just beginning to hear people express worry about the future of healthcare in the coming years. I believe there is much cause for concern, and I want you to be ready for what the future might (I’m hedging my bets here) hold.
“But, Samantha,” you say, “surely it can’t be all bad?” No, probably not. It never is. Here are possible positive outcomes.
Friends and colleagues, it is a strange time to be alive in the world. It is especially strange to experience a worldwide event at the same time as of our clients. The pandemic changed us in profound ways, and it will continue to do so until we discover whatever “normal” means again. Stay attuned to yourself and your needs, keep building and strengthening your resilience, and develop compassion for yourself and others as we live through this constant unpredictability. Let WSPA know how best to support you, and we will shift to do so. You can reach me at [1] Stuijfzand, S., Deforges, C., Sandoz, V. et al. Psychological impact of an epidemic/pandemic on the mental health of healthcare professionals: a rapid review. BMC Public Health 20, 1230 (2020).
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
WSPA Board Trustee Matt Goldenberg has reignited the WSPA Twitter account. WSPA’s social media is getting a revamp that will show off some awesome member benefits as well as highlighting all the hard work WSPA’s Board of Trustees, Director of Professional Affairs, Executive Director, and staff do to keep WSPA at the forefront of this profession.
You can find WSPA’s Social Media Info below:
Twitter Handle: @WAPSYCH
Facebook Page:
Ethics Committee Tidbits Tidbit #1
Hello from the WSPA Ethics Committee! We wanted to take a moment to introduce ourselves and let you know about a fun new educational project we are implementing (ethics can be fun, right?). Our committee is comprised of fellow WSPA members, and our mission is to serve as a consultation resource on various ethical dilemmas, as well as offer educational opportunities regarding ethics for our WSPA members. We are happy to consult with you about ethical questions you might be grappling with through our Consultation Line (which is FREE for WSPA members!).
Tidbit #1: When was the last time you read the APA Ethics Code? Did you know that the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (2003; amended 2010 and 2016) is in the process of being revised? Four new principles and 3 new standards have been added, and many of the standards will be revised and/or expanded. These changes represent a paradigm shift to social advocacy and may create expectations/obligations for advocacy. Not sure what all of this means for you? Check out these changes at: to make sure you are keeping up with the latest revisions. Best wishes! Your WSPA Ethics Committee ? 2525 E 29th Ave, STE 10B #368